Our Story
Aly & Dave Brown // Senior Pastors
We met in Aberdeen in 2007 while Aly was working as a university lecturer and Dave was working with Youth for Christ. We married in 2008 and have since welcomed twin boys, a little girl and a dog to our family! In 2014, we began to sense that God was calling us to explore church leadership which saw us serve in a number of different ministries at Catalyst Vineyard Church, Stonehaven over the next few years.
While exploring leadership in the local Church context, we both felt that God was planting in us a vision for a new expression of church that would take us away from the North East of Scotland. Dave undertook a training year with Catalyst Vineyard's Leadership Academy and together we began to hear God speak about stepping out to start a new church.
In January 2020, we moved to Cumbernauld and began our journey to plant a Vineyard Church here.
If you are interested in finding out more about this church, want to explore faith or want to join any of our events, then please contact us on hello@cumbernauldvineyard.church. We would love to connect with you and welcome you into our church family.
Love, Aly & Dave x